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Global Engagement

Global Engagement Texas A&M University Global Engagement

Alyssa Morgan

Alyssa Morgan

Immigration Program Manager

Office: Pav 110
Phone: 979-845-1824

She / Her / Hers

Duties and Functions:
Oversees, directs, and develops professional staff who provide direct services to international students
Serves as Designated School Official (DSO) for F Program
Serves as Alternate Responsible Officer (ARO) for J Program

Campus Liaison Relationships:
Liaison for Education Abroad
Liaison for School of Law
Liaison for School of Dentistry

Master's in Forensic Psychology
Bachelor's in Psychology

Countries I Have Visited:
I would like to visit Greece and United Kingdom

Short Bio:
Alyssa joined International Student Services in July of 2013 as a Senior Office Assistant and is now an Immigration Program Manager.  She is a member of NAFSA and is completing the Texas A&M Leading Self Program in 2023. In her spare time, Alyssa enjoys spending time with family and friends, reading, and catching up on crime/detective shows and documentaries.