Field Trips are ideal for students who are new to traveling and wish to travel with fellow Aggies. Typically, 1-2 weeks, these short-term experiences are connected to an on-campus course and give students the opportunity to connect what they have been learning in class to the real world.
Does your course have a field trip component?
If interested, ask your professor or international coordinator in your department to know if any courses have an international component. Program related questions should be directed to the trip leader, not Education Abroad.
Some field trips in the Education Abroad Portal are open to all applicants, but others are open to pre-selected students only. If you see a field trip you are interested in, contact the trip leader(s) listed on the Program Overview tab for information about eligibility and the selection process.
All students must complete the application process in the Portal prior to departure.
Does your course have a field trip component?
If interested, ask your professor or international coordinator in your department to know if any courses have an international component. Program related questions should be directed to the trip leader, not Education Abroad.
Application Process
Confirm your course has a field trip component and inquire about the selection process, which Education Abroad is not part of. Being enrolled in the course does not guarantee you will be selected for the program.Some field trips in the Education Abroad Portal are open to all applicants, but others are open to pre-selected students only. If you see a field trip you are interested in, contact the trip leader(s) listed on the Program Overview tab for information about eligibility and the selection process.
All students must complete the application process in the Portal prior to departure.