Unfortunately, many F-1 and J-1 visitors are common targets of scams. Scams are fraudulent and deceptive “services” used to acquire your money or personal information illegally. Please carefully read the information below so you can identify a scam and know how to respond if you are targeted. We at ISSS want you to stay safe and avoid becoming a victim of a scam. Please contact ISSS or UPD if you have questions or concerns about the guidance on this page or think you are being targeted or have fallen victim to a scam.
**If you pay scammer, you lose the money. If you give them sensitive personal information, you may become the victim of identity theft.**
The U.S. government and law enforcement agencies WILL NEVER:
- Call to demand immediate payment. Though intimidating, remember that these callers are trying to scam you and they are not real threats!
- Demand that you pay taxes or debts without giving you the opportunity to question or appeal the amount they say you owe.
- Require you to use a specific payment method for your taxes or debts, such as a prepaid debit card or gift cards.
- Ask for credit or debit card or gift card numbers over the phone.
- Threaten to bring in local police or other law-enforcement groups to have you arrested for not paying.
- Use email, text messages or any social media to discuss your personal financial or tax issues.
**If you pay scammer, you lose the money. If you give them sensitive personal information, you may become the victim of identity theft.**