1. Consult your Supervisor
In the process of establishing a formal international agreement, you should first consult your department head, school or unit director, college dean or other campus officials, as appropriate. If you are unsure who to contact, each college has designated a representative that provide information regarding their units procedures.
Click here to see the list of College International Agreement Representatives.
3. Create a Justification Statement
This is an internal document used to create....Use this information to submit a proposal through Maestro
4. Determine and Draft an Agreement Type
Your International Agreement College Representative can help you decide what type of agreement is needed. At this time, schedule to meet with your College Representative or email Traci Lacy (tlacy@tamu.edu), discuss specific interests for collaboration with the approved foreign partner, if you have not already done so. To simplify the international agreement process, our office has developed a series of templates and supplemental resources to assist in developing a specific agreement. In order to reduce processing and review time, please use approved templates whenever possible. To view the available agreement templates, including the Justification Statement go to Agreement Types and Program.
5. Compliance and Other Considerations
To ensure compliance with the United States Export Control Laws and Regulations. Please visit the Division of Research, Export Control section.
To ensure that the country is not on the Department of State Travel Warning List visit the travel.state.gov website for travel warnings.
6. Routing for Approval and Signatures
Once the draft of the agreement is finalized, the Global Partnership Services office will route (either electronically or physically) for all appropriate signatures at the University level and the foreign partner. They will coordinate with College Staff to obtain College level signatures. Electronic signatures may only be used if the foreign partner will accept electronic signatures.
All international agreements at Texas A&M must comply with President’s Delegation of Authority for Contract Administration (https://rules-saps.tamu.edu/PDFs/25.07.01.M1.01.pdf) which provides information about who is authorized to sign various types of agreements or contracts. These often depend on the anticipated dollar amount for the contract. The individual identified within the delegation is the only Texas A&M University signatory required for the agreement or contract. However, Colleges/Departments may want, or be required by their college/division, to add additional signatories.
All international agreements must be signed according to the University’s Delegation of Authority to be legally binding. The Dean and other representatives of the respective College, department or unit may also sign agreements as a show of support or according to their College’s processes. The Justification Statement described in earlier steps must be part of the package routed for the Vice Provost’s signature.
7. Record Keepning and Retention
For those agreements that require physical signature, Global Partnership Services staff will print the necessary number of agreements, and all must be signed. After all the agreement copies are signed by all appropriate signatories, GPS will distribute them accordingly.
For those agreements that are finalized via electronic means, GPS will print one copy for our records and email the electronic file to the International Agreement Representative for distribution to the Parties.
We encourage the individual college to keep a comprehensive record of the international agreement, to request a copy please contact globalsupport@tamu.edu