To make an incident report
The most frequent way that emergencies and incidents are reported is through the monitored hot-line phone service (+1 979 255 6103) which is answered 24/7. This service is provided by Education Abroad (EA) and EA staff are rostered on call for seven days at a time.For non-urgent items there is an email address which is checked daily.
What is an incident?
An incident typically occurs where there is an interaction or potential interaction with a hazard that exists in the world. The outcome from that interaction may be nothing (described as a Near Miss) or may result in a loss to People, Environment, Asset or Reputation. The magnitude of the outcome determines whether the incident is classified as significant.What is a significant incident and how do we respond?
A significant incident is an incident that requires escalation of the initial notification to TAMU Education Abroad / Global Engagement management.For the population abroad, significant events can happen in three major areas - Safety, Health and Security, all of which may impact on reputation. For incidents where the EA 24/7 Emergency hotline (+1 979 255 6103) is utilized or other communications are made, an initial assessment will be made by the EA on-duty advisor to determine whether to escalate the incident to senior management within the division. This is done through application of a set of escalation criteria. A response analysis and risk assessment will be conducted, and an immediate action plan initiated to regain control of the situation. The requirement to form a Situation Response Team (SRT) will be made. The SRT composition and formation is determined by the nature and scope of the incident and the urgency and type of actions required, amongst other criteria.
NOTE: If you are not certain whether to make an incident report or not, always err on the side of reporting it.
Reporting Student Disciplinary Concerns
As a Texas A&M University Student, you are bound by the Aggie Code of Honor and the Student Code of Conduct. While abroad, you will be an ambassador for the University. We expect that as an Aggie, you will always exhibit superior ethical and moral behavior, especially as a guest in your host country. You have the opportunity and responsibility to represent Texas A&M, Texas, and the United States in a mature and respectful manner.In the event of a violation of the Student Code of Conduct or the Terms of Participation, Education Abroad will be notified through use of the Education Abroad Incident Reporting Form. Depending on the severity of the violation(s), the responses may include an incident report/verbal warning, an incident report/written warning, and/or an incident report accompanied by a termination report.
Reporting Student Wellbeing Concerns
- Student Assistance Services -
- University Health Services -