How to read your I-20
On page 1, in the top left corner, you can find your SEVIS-ID number. This number always begins with 'N00' and is required to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee. This fee needs to be paid before attending your visa interview at a U.S. embassy or consulate.
In the first section, you can find your personal information and your visa type (F-1). Make sure this information is correct whenever you receive your I-20. In case of any wrong information, contact ISSS immediately.

You can then find all the information about your school, program, and finances related to school on the same page. Your school code can be found under the School Information section and your major code can be found under the Program of Study section. The Program of Study section also highlights the start date and the end date of your program.
Please note that new students will receive standardized program dates on their first I-20:
- Bachelor's: 4 years
- Master's : 3 years
- Doctoral: 7 years
- Students in the school of Law, Dentistry, Pharmacy, and Medicine will have different dates based on the specific academic program.

At the bottom of page 1, you can find additional remarks and attestation from your school. Remember, when you get the I-20, you need to sign and date it in the section highlighted below.

On page 2, you can find information about your CPT/OPT employment authorizations. You are allowed to work only for the duration mentioned on your I-20 under the Employment Authorization section. You can also find information about the Employer that you are allowed to work with in the Employer Information section.

Under the Change of Status/Cap-Gap Extension you find information about any change of status requests or degree extension requests that have been approved. In the Authorized Reduced Course Load, you can find information about your approved reduced course load request.

Once you leave the United States for travel while on your F-1 visa, you need a valid Travel Signature/Travel Endorsement to re-enter the U.S. You can find information about this Travel Signature in the section highlighted below. Usually, the travel signature is valid for 1 year after it was issues, however if you are on your OPT, the travel signature needs to be renewed every 6 months.
How to read your DS-2019
On page 1, in the top right corner, you can find your SEVIS ID number. This number always begins with 'N00' and will be used to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee. This fee needs to be paid before attending your visa interview at a U.S. embassy or consulate.

Section 1 of the document contains your biographical information and the information about your exchange program. Section 2 includes the name of your program sponsor and describes the details of your prospective J-1 program.

Section 3 has the start date and the end date of your program. As a J-1 student, you are not allowed to arrive in the U.S. more than 30 days before the start date mentioned in this section. At the end of your J-1 program, you have a grace period of 30 days to depart the U.S.
Note - The program end date determines how long you are allowed to stay in the U.S., not the expiration of your J-1 visa.
Section 4 describes your exchange visitor category. For example - trainee, professor/research scholar, short-term scholar, college and university students, etc.

Section 5 describes the sources of your financial support.

Section 7 contains the name and contact information of your J-1 program sponsor's responsible officer. You might need this information when entering a U.S. port of entry.

Section 8 is filled out by a J-1 Alternate/Responsible Officer whenever a transfer of your J-1 program occurs.

The Consular Immigration Officer Section describes if you are a subject to the 2-year home residency requirement (also known as 212(e)), and would contain the name, signature, and date of a U.S. Consular or Immigration Officer. This should match the 212(e) notation on your visa. If it does not, you may need to seek an Advisory Opinion.

The Travel Validation section consists of a valid travel signature from your Responsible Officer. This signature will be required to re-enter the United States after a brief departure. The last section is where you will sign and date the Form DS-2019 after making sure all the information is correct.