Facilities & Grounds

Each Bungalow Contains
- 2-4 beds
- 4 closets
- 1 bathroom with a shower, double sided sinks
- 2 desks
- 600 square feet
- front and back porch with a covered deck
- ADA compliant
- 8 bungalows total

- 2 classrooms
- wet/dry lab rooms
- temperature controlled collection room
- common area
- multi purpose room
- cafeteria
- laundry room
- ADA compliant

- Access to 250+ acres
- Property is adjacent to Eternal Children's Rainforest and Monteverde Conservation Area
- Elevation range 1,800 meters to 450 meters (5,905 feet to 1,476 feet)
- 3,485 meters (over 2 miles) of trails with access to 2 waterfalls
- Orchid sanctuary with over 300 orchid clusters of some 80+ species
- 10-meter meteorological tower
- 40+-meter walk-up canopy tower
- Four permanent tree plots
- Weir dam
- Weather station network along the Peñas Blancas River