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Global Engagement

Global Engagement Texas A&M University Global Engagement

Jie Fan

Jie Fan

Assistant Director

Office: Pav 110
Phone: 979-845-1824

She / Her / Hers

Duties and Functions:
Oversees, directs, and develops immigration program managers and professional staff who provide direct services to international students.
Serves as Designated School Official (DSO) for F Program
Serves as Alternate Responsible Officer (ARO) for J Program

Master of Science in International Affairs from Florida State University (FSU)

Countries I Have Visited:
China, Japan, South Korea, Turkey, West Europe, Paula
Would like to visit: Antarctica, Vietnam, Thailand, North and East Europe, Latin America, Africa 

Short Bio:
As a native Beijinger, Jie (“Jay”) once was an international student. Jie has experienced the diversity and globalism of American culture and found her purpose in life when she studies abroad in the U.S. After graduation, she moved back to Beijing China and served as an English instructor and education consultant for four years and helped many students to prepare for their new adventure in America. Now, Jie is honored to join in the ISSS team at Texas A&M University to help international students and scholars to fully enjoy being Aggies. If you want to chat with Jie, she is a big a fan of comics/anime, martial arts fiction, and crime novels.