Maria Khmelenko

Program Coordinator II
Office: Pav 110Phone: 979-845-1824
She / Her / Hers
Duties and Functions:
Coordinates events and programs for international scholars and their families
Enrolled into Texas A&M Higher Ed Administration PhD Program
MA in Journalism, Moscow Lomonosov State University
Countries I Have Visited:
As a journalist and tourist visited and worked in 34 countries including most of Europe, Panama, Egypt, Israel and Seychelles.
Hope to visit Iceland, Australia, Brazil, Easter island(Chile) and Qatar.
Short Bio:
Enjoys working on newsletters, helping visiting scholars and their families to explore US culture, and trying to build bridges between different cultures on campus.
Before joining J-1 Program team as a Program Coordinator worked for 4 years as a Business Coordinator for TAMU IQSE. Prior to that was a journalist in Moscow, Russia, held a position of Cosmopolitan magazine editor, edited and translated non-fiction books, and spent a lot of time traveling (even tried a life of a flight attendant).