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Global Engagement

Global Engagement Texas A&M University Global Engagement

Michael Mintz

Michael Mintz

Immigration Specialist II

Office: Pav 110
Phone: 979-845-1824

They / Them

Duties and Functions:
Supports international students and their dependents through the processing of immigration documents and the delivery of immigration advising.
Serves as Designated School Official (DSO) for F Program
Serves as Alternate Responsible Officer (ARO) for J Program

Campus Liaison Relationships:
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

Masters in Psychology
Bachelors in Psychology

Countries I Have Visited:
I have visited Italy and Greece.
I intend to visit Austria and New Zealand in the near future.

Short Bio:
Michael grew up in Alabama, where they lived until they completed their undergraduate degree at the University of Alabama. They moved to Iowa for their master’s degree in social psychology from the University of Northern Iowa and again to College Station in 2015. They have since had careers in psychology research, healthcare, and web development. Outside of their work with ISSS, they enjoy cooking (and learning about food generally), video games, and spending time with their cats.