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Global Engagement

Global Engagement Texas A&M University Global Engagement

Rebecca Shaffer

Rebecca Shaffer

Immigration Program Manager

Office: Pav 110
Phone: 979-845-1824

She / Her / Hers

Duties and Functions:
Oversees, directs, and develops professional staff who provide direct services to international students.
Serves as Designated School Official (DSO) for F Program
Serves as Alternate Responsible Officer (ARO) for J Program

Campus Liaison Relationships:
Career Center
Graduate and Professional School

Ph.D. Candidate, Sociology
M.A. Sociology
B.A. Linguistics

Countries I Have Visited:
Mexico, Turkey, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Egypt, Cuba

Short Bio:
Rebecca is driven to serve and enrich global education at Texas A&M University such that individuals experience being valued, respected, and heard.  Inspired by her experiences working with international communities both home in the United States and abroad, she actively supports office and campus efforts to create a welcoming home for all Aggies.