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Global Engagement

Global Engagement Texas A&M University Global Engagement

Stephen Hallows

Stephen Hallows

Health and Safety Manager

Office: Pavilion 112
Phone: 979-458-6802

Duties and Functions:

Lead the collaborative development and implementation of policies, procedures, and programs to mitigate safety and security risks related to undergraduate and graduate student international travel.

Coordinate and oversee the review of education abroad proposals with regards to safety, security, and risk.

Oversee proactive risk assessment and analysis for international programming initiatives and for locations on TAMUS high or extreme lists.

Develop protocols for monitoring political, economic, health, safety, and security conditions of locations abroad where students will travel. Conduct daily monitoring of world events, prominent health and safety issues and legal decisions affecting international programs in higher education.

Serve as a key member on relevant campus committees as well as creating committees/working groups to facilitate collaboration across campus.

Campus Relationships:
Potentially all Schools, Colleges, Faculty leading students, Student Organizations who are planning to embark on a TAMU sanctioned international program

International NEBOSH General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
Post-Graduate Qualification in Occupational Health and Safety from Central Queensland University
Master of Science in Geophysics from the University of Queensland
Bachelor in Applied Science - Physics from Queensland University of Technology

Countries I Have Visited:
Lived and worked in more than 30 countries, on every continent except Antarctica.

Short Bio:
Stephen G. Hallows joined TAMU in August 2022 as International Risk, Health and Safety Manager. Stephen has over 25 years of experience having worked in oil and gas exploration and holding progressively more senior positions in a variety of domestic and international companies. Mr. Hallows has held a number of strategic health, safety and environmental (“HSE”) positions, including Group Senior Vice President, Sustainable Development and Health Safety Environment (SD & HSE) and Vice President Quality, Health, Safety, Security and Environment (VP QHSSE). Mr. Hallows has also served as Principal Occupational Health and Safety Advisor for Australia’s largest onshore hydrocarbon production company. Mr. Hallows has experience managing quality, risk, health, safety, security and environment in thirty countries on six continents. He is a subject matter expert in auditing, behavior-based safety, root cause analysis and terrestrial and maritime operations.